Archive for the Fairness category

Dimitris Sacharidis - Giorgos Giannopoulos - Loukas Kavouras

Auditing bias of recourse in classifiers (part II) 


Introduction  Fairness is a fundamental principle reflecting our innate sense of justice and equity. The essence of fairness lies in the equitable, unbiased and just treatment of all individuals.  In our previous post (part I), we provided an introduction to the bias of recourse problem. In this post (part II), we describe our framework for […]

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Dimitris Sacharidis - Giorgos Giannopoulos - Loukas Kavouras

Auditing bias of recourse in classifiers (part I)


Introduction  Fairness is a fundamental principle reflecting our innate sense of justice and equity. The essence of fairness lies in the equitable, unbiased and just treatment of all individuals. Nevertheless, translating this principle to specific rules, people, and systems can adhere to is highly context specific, with context meaning, social and cultural circumstances, as well […]

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Abolfazl Asudeh

Enabling Responsible Data Science in Practice

Fairness, Responsible Data Science

Introduction The 3rd decade of the 3rd millennium had a dramatic start, with a pandemic that impacted our lives all over the globe. This indicates extraordinary events and rapid changes, ranging from politics and climate change to our social life and work habits. Like it or not, we are getting used to new routines such […]

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