Archive for March, 2013

Kristina Lerman

Stop publishing so much already!

Information Overload

Got your attention? Now that I have it, I would like to take a few minutes to discuss the role of limited attention and information overload in science. Attentive acts such as reading a scientific paper (or a tweet), answering an email, or watching a video require mental effort, and since the human brain’s capacity […]

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Gerhard Weikum

Where’s the Data in the Big Data Wave?

Big Data, Databases, Publication policy

Big Data should be Interesting Data! There are various definitions of Big Data; most center around a number of V’s like volume, velocity, variety, veracity – in short: interesting data (interesting in at least one aspect). However, when you look into research papers on Big Data, in SIGMOD, VLDB, or ICDE, the data that you […]

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