In the era of blogs and social networks, ACM SIGMOD gets social!
The ACM SIGMOD Blog is the official blog site for ACM SIGMOD. This blog aims at catching the heartbeat of our community on exciting and controversial topics that are of interest to the community, and facilitate intelligent discussions among researchers on such topics. Its purpose is to be both interesting and fun. The Blog will periodically host one featured blogger to share his/her view on a matter of interest. People can participate by leaving comments and opinions. In this way, the ensuing discussion can take a form that can hopefully lead to an interesting conclusion. Who can be a featured blogger: Anyone in our community! If you are passionate on a topic and would like to write a few paragraphs staking out your position, please contact Georgia Koutrika (by sending an email to sigmodblog [at] We also plan to invite people to blog on selected topics. Participating in a discussion: You are welcome to participate in the discussion following the current blog post. When you do so, we encourage you to identify yourself by providing your name, and optionally your institution. In this way, everyone can get acknowledged, and discussions can be open, interesting and constructive. Living in the era of social networking sites, we also offer the option for you to leave comments by signing up using your Facebook account. In this way, people will be able to see your photo and your name next to your comments! Comments will be moderated to ensure a healthy and fun discussion environment. Enjoy!
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It’s a great start! Could you setup a RSS feed?
Thanks for this blog! I strongly second the demand for an RSS feed. Opening to other social networks but Facebook would be great too (I personally prefer Twitter and LinkedIn). The WP “Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share” extension does it fine (
thanks for the plugin suggestion. We will also install an RSS feed.