Archive for the Crowdsourcing category


Imagine all the People and AI in the Future of Work

Crowdsourcing, Job Platforms

Shonan Village Workshop on FoW Sep 8-12, 2019 We envision the Future of Work (FoW) to be a place where humans are empowered with the ability to rely on AI machines in an on-demand fashion, with ability to juggle diverse job opportunities that provide intellectual self-actualization, and enhance their capabilities by continuous knowledge and skill […]

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Sihem Amer-Yahia

Quality Experiments Crowdsourced


Crowdsourcing is a powerful paradigm that democratizes the creation, collection, analysis, curation, and dissemination of data, contributed by millions of individuals, who are called workers. Early crowdsourcing platforms in the context of citizen reporting and citizen sciences were dedicated to specific tasks. Today, many other platforms that expect workers with different expertise exist. Among them, […]

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