May 5, 2012
I was recently approached by an entrepreneur who had an interesting way to correlate short term performance of a stock with news reports about the stock. Needless to say, there are many places from which one can get the news, and what results one gets from this sort of analysis does depend on the input […]
Read moreApril 6, 2012
tl;dr: MADlib is an open-source library of scalable in-database algorithms for machine learning, statistics and other analytic tasks. MADlib is supported with people-power from Greenplum; researchers at Berkeley, Florida and Wisconsin are also contributing. The project recently released a MADlib TR, and is now welcoming additional community contributions. Warehousing → Science Back in 2008, I […]
Read moreFebruary 24, 2012
Typically I teach around 100 students per year in my introductory database course. This past fall my enrollment was a whopping 60,000. Admittedly, only 25,000 of them chose to submit assignments, and a mere 6500 achieved a strong final score. But even with 6500 students, I more than quadrupled the total number of students I’ve […]
Read moreFebruary 10, 2012
In the era of blogs and social networks, ACM SIGMOD gets social! The ACM SIGMOD Blog is the official blog site for ACM SIGMOD. This blog aims at catching the heartbeat of our community on exciting and controversial topics that are of interest to the community, and facilitate intelligent discussions among researchers on such topics. […]
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