Archive for the Query Processing category

Kyle Deeds and Ziniu Wu

The Case for Cardinality Bounds: Principled Conservatism in Query Optimization

Databases, Query Processing

Introduction In the last decade, the database community has identified cardinality estimation as the primary stumbling block for modern query optimizers.  Cardinality estimates, which estimate the size of sub-plan queries, are the primary basis for choosing between query plans, so poor estimates may result in catastrophic query execution plans. Research on this topic has consistently […]

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Jayant Haritsa

Robust Query Processing: A Case for Geometric Techniques

Query Processing

INTRODUCTION Over the last half-century, the design and implementation of declarative query processing techniques in relational database systems has been a foundational topic for both the academic and industrial database research communities. Despite this sustained study, the unfortunate reality is that the resulting solutions have largely remained a “black art”. This is due to the […]

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Surajit Chaudhuri

Approximate Query Processing – Where do we go from here?

Big Data, Query Processing

I think we need to take a hard look at approximate query processing. Don’t get me wrong. The vision of approximate query processing is indeed compelling. In the age of Big Data, the ability to answer analytic queries “approximately”, but at a fraction of the cost of executing the query in the traditional way, is […]

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