Archive for the data exploration category

Sihem Amer-Yahia, Leilani Battle, Yifan Hu, Dominik Moritz, Aditya Parameswaran, Nikos Bikakis, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Guoliang Li, George Papastefanatos, Lingyun Yu

Data Exploration and Visual Analytics Challenges in AI Era 

data exploration, Visualization

The International Workshop on Big Data Visual Exploration and Analytics (BigVis) is an annual event, which brings together scholars from the communities of Data Management & Mining, Information Visualization, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction. The 7th BigVis event (BigVis 2024)1 was organized in conjunction with the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024) […]

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Mohamed Sharaf

Utilizing the Synergy between Query Refinement and View Recommendation for Visual Data Exploration

data exploration, Databases, Recommendations, Visualization

In this blog, we discuss the potential benefits of augmenting automated view recommendation solutions with query refinement techniques towards achieving insightful data exploration. Particularly, effective data exploration has been fueled by many approaches that rely on either view recommendation or query refinement, as two separate and independent techniques for gaining valuable insights from data. In […]

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Kurt Stockinger

The Rise of Natural Language Interfaces to Databases

data exploration, Databases, Search

The vision of natural language interfaces to databases (NLIDBs) is to make data stores more accessible for a wide range of non-tech savvy end users with the ultimate goal to talk to a database (almost) like to a human. While initially the database community focused on relational databases, there is currently a renaissance of building […]

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Aditya Parameswaran

Visual Data Exploration: A Fertile Ground for Data Management Research

Analytics, data exploration, Databases

Information visualization is an essential tool in the arsenal of a data scientist: visualizations help identify trends and patterns, spot outliers and anomalies, and verify hypotheses. Moreover, visualizations are visceral and intuitive: they tell us stories about our data; they educate, delight, inform, enthrall, amaze, and clarify. This has led to the overwhelming popularity of […]

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Melanie Herschel and Yannis Velegrakis

On Data Exploration in the era of Big Data

Big Data, data exploration, Interview

We are witnessing data of unprecedented volume, variety and velocity. Such data is collected from almost every aspect of human activity and stored in large repositories in order to be later analyzed and turned into useful insights. The storage model is not any more the one in which data is placed in predefined structures with […]

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