Archive for the Spatial category

Zhifeng Bao

Managing and Exploiting Massive Geolocation Data

Big Data, Spatial

The sheer volume, variety, and velocity of data in this modern era have enabled significant advancements in many research areas. However, the advancements in the research community thanks to Big Data do not necessarily translate to the benefit of society; of ordinary people living ordinary lives. There is indeed a gap between breakthroughs in the […]

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Mohamed Mokbel

Thinking Spatial

Databases, Recommendations, Spatial, Systems

Self-driving cars, ride-sharing service (e.g., Uber and Lyft), and Pokemon Go are just three examples of recent disruptive applications that gained huge market share and publicity. It is expected that each self-driving car will generate 2 PB of data per year, with 10 Million of such cars by 2020. Uber has 2+ Billion rides so […]

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